International Journal of Ayurveda and Herbal Research 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Dr. Pawan Singh Open Journal Systems <p><img style="float: left; padding-right: 10px; width: 300px; height: 370px;" src="" alt="" width="300" height="370" /></p> <p align="justify"><strong>International Journal of Ayurveda and Herbal Research (IJAHR)</strong> is a scholarly, peer-reviewed, and fully refereed open access online international research journal started in <strong>2023</strong>, published <strong>four times a year</strong> in the <strong>Multiple Languages (English</strong>, <strong>Hindi, etc.)</strong>, provides an international forum for the publication and dissemination of theoretical and practice-oriented papers, dealing with problems of modern technology. <strong>IJAHR</strong> invites all sorts of research work in the field of <strong>Ayurveda </strong>and other allied systems of <strong>Medical Science</strong>, <strong>Medicine and Health</strong> (Unani, Siddha, Yoga, Naturopathy, Medical, Dental, Nursing, Homeopathy, Agriculture, Botany, Zoology) along with pharmaceutical sciences. <strong>IJAHR</strong> welcomes regular papers, short papers, review articles, etc. The journal reviews papers using <strong>double-blind peer-review</strong> process within three-six weeks of submission and publishes accepted articles online immediately upon receiving the final versions. All the papers in the journal are freely accessible as online full-text content and permanent worldwide web link. The article will be indexed and available in major academic international databases. <strong>IJAHR</strong> welcomes you to submit your research for possible publication in <strong>IJAHR</strong> through our online submission system. <strong>ISSN: 2584-0002 (E)</strong></p> A Understanding of Essential Hypertension Through Ayurved 2024-02-28T16:11:19+00:00 Dr Neha Agrawal Neha <p><em>There is no clear mention of hypertension in the Ayurvedic Classics. From an Ayurvedic standpoint, a number of hypotheses have been put up to explain hypertension, but none of them can be officially recognized. By using Dosha, Dushya, and Samprapti, a doctor can attempt to determine the etiology of an illness in cases when the patient's symptoms are unclear, according to Ayurvedic law. According to Ayurveda, the participation of Vata pradhan Tridoshas in vitiated Doshas helps explain hypertension. The functioning of the different srotas of circulation is hampered by the Avarana of Vata Dosha by Pitta and Kapha, which is seen in the Rasa-Rakta Dhatus. Understanding hypertension fully from an Ayurvedic perspective has therefore been our top priority. Thus, in order to aid in both treatment and prevention, an attempt is made here to comprehend hypertension in terms of Ayurveda.</em></p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dr Neha Agrawal Neha Prosopis Africana Extracts as Potential Natural Alternatives to Synthetic Antibiotics and a Key for Sustainable Broiler Production: A Review 2024-03-06T11:22:06+00:00 Alagbe Olujimi John <p><em>The chicken sector is more vulnerable to antimicrobial resistance, the buildup of toxic or dangerous residues in meat and eggs, and environmental contamination as a result of the widespread and careless use of antibiotics in most nations. Natural solutions, such as medicinal plants, are required to address these issues. These plants have been shown to contain a variety of phytochemicals, including phenols, flavonoids, terpenoids, tannins, alkaloids, and saponins. These chemicals endow plants with a multitude of medicinal qualities. One of the many alternatives to antibiotics is Prosopis africana extract, which includes stem bark, leaves, roots, and their essential oils. Antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-helminthic, antiviral, hepatoprotective, immune-stimulatory, and antimicrobial properties are among the many pharmacological activity of P. africana preparations. They are also an abundant supplier of vital minerals and amino acids that support enzyme function and provide defense against the effects of oxidative stress. Using extracts from Prosopis africana is the way forward for effective chicken production, environmental sustainability and food hygiene. </em></p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alagbe Olujimi John Pterocarpus Erinaceus Leaf Extracts Phytochemical Composition and Its Effect on Growth Performance and Intestinal Microbial Population of Weaned Rabbits 2024-03-06T11:37:55+00:00 Alagbe Olujimi John <p><em>In Sumitra Research Institute, a total of 50 crossbred male rabbits with initial body weight of 486 ± 0.70 g and weaned at 28 days of age were individually housed in a specially constructed galvanized cage was used to examine the effect of Pterocarpus erinaceus leaf extracts (PELE) on the growth performance and intestinal microbial population of weaned rabbits. Rabbits were stratified based on their body weight and assigned to 5 groups with six animals with one animal per replicate in a completely randomized design. Experimental diet was adequate in all nutrients to meet the requirement of rabbits. Animals in group-1 was fed standard diet with 0 mL PELE while group-2, 3, 4 and 5 were fed standard diet with 0.2 mL, 0.4 mL, 0.6 mL and 0.8 mL/day respectively. Phytochemical evaluation of Pterocarpus erinaceus leaf extracts showed that it contained Flavonoids (112.61 mg/g CAE), terpenoids (87.52 mg/g CAE), phenols (106.39 mg/g GAE), alkaloids (91.53 mg/g ATE), tannins (40.88 mg/g TAE) and phytate (11.31 mg/g). Results on average daily weight gain in group-4 (1544.2 g) and 5 (1547.1 g) were similar (p&gt;0.05) but significantly higher than those in group-1 (1197.8 g), group-2 (1311.28 g) and 3 (1383.9 g). Average daily feed intake were higher (p&lt;0.05) in rabbits fed diet supplemented with PELE relative to group-1 (control). Best feed conversion ratio was recorded in group-4 (3.00) and 5 (3.00), intermediate in group-2 (3.28) and group-3 (3.20) and lower in group-1 (3.43). Microbial population of Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp were higher (p&lt;0.05) in group-1 relative to the other groups. Conversely, Lactobacillus sp count were maximum in PELE supplemented diet relative to control (group-1). Supplementation of PELE at 0.8 mL/day can optimize the performance of rabbits and suppressing the activities of pathogenic-organisms without compromising the health status of animal. </em></p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alagbe Olujimi John Conceptual Study on Ama and Development of a Probable Diagnostic Tool for its Assessment 2024-03-25T15:24:26+00:00 Midhila K J <p><em>Ama is a chief cause for most of the Amasaya samudbava Vyadhi. Understanding the etiopathogenesis of Ama and its management is central to Ayurvedic diagnostics and treatment strategies. By knowing the level of presence of Ama in the body, it is easier to assess the degree of vitiation of dosha there by the stage of pathogenesis of a disease. So, developing a probable diagnostic tool will be helpful in Ayurvedic diagnostics &amp; management. This conceptual study gives a light to better understanding the concept Ama and will provide a probable diagnostic tool for assessment in a human body. By tackling Ama at the early stage, we can also arrest the disease progression. Material and Methods: The present study aims to explore the concept of Ama and development of probable diagnostic tool for its assessment. The information collected from different Samhitas, various research articles &amp; Internet. Discussion and Conclusion: Understanding the concept of Ama &amp; developing a probable diagnostic tool in Ayurveda will enhance the knowledge but also make the Ayurvedic diagnostics &amp; treatment much easier. The present article summarizes the concept of Ama and development of probable diagnostic tool for its assessment.</em></p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Midhila K J Concept of Nadi Pariksha and its Utility 2024-03-25T15:23:44+00:00 Dillip Kumar Hembram Babu <p><em>Ayurveda is a science of health. Diagnosis of the diseases is done in various ways since ages in Ayurveda. A number of noninvasive, cost-effective diagnostic methods were evaluated. One of the primary diagnostic instruments in Ayurveda is the Ashtavidha Pariksha. In order to diagnose diseases, Acharya Yogaratnakara gave a detailed description of the funda-mentals of eight different types of investigation processes: Nadi, Mutra, Mala, Jivha, Shabda, Sparsha, Drik, and Akriti. Of these, Nadi Pariksha is an essential tool for diagnosing various Dosha and Deha conditions, such as reduced, hyper, mixed, or normal functions. It is a useful tool for practitioners to assess patients' physiological and psychological states in addition to Tridoshas. So there is need to re-establish the information behind the Nadi Pariksha so that they can be used in minimal diagnosis and prognosis.</em></p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dillip Kumar Hembram Babu Ayurvedic Approach to the Patient of Cervical Spondylosis: A Case Study 2024-02-28T16:10:35+00:00 Dr Veenu Yadav <p><em>As exertion and stress is increasing day by day, diseases also increased in our daily routine. And most common is cervical spondylosis according to data and public interaction. Prolonged sitting work, work on computers and continuous household work led to it. It is a degenerative disease which affects the vertebrae of the spine. In Ayurvedic texts many diseases symptoms correlated with it like Manayasthamba, vishwachi etc. In the current paper we are discussing case details of a patient who came to our hospital for treatment. Patient complaint of pain in neck region, on/off stiffness, heaviness in occipital region with sometimes vertigo, on/off radiating pain to shoulder region with generalized weakness for 3-4 months. Treatment modalities include shamana drugs and panchkarma therapy for 1 month. Patient got symptomatic relief. Details of this will be discussed in full paper.</em></p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dr Veenu Yadav