Pharmacological Concept of Dravyaguna according to Actions

Dravyaguna, Pharmacognosy, RasaAbstract
Ayurveda is ancient medical holistic science and its concepts deals with the overall health and management of disease related to health. During the management of disease number of formulations are mentioned which helps to overcome the disease. Many plants and their formulations are mentioned in Ayurvedic texts .Their mode of action, formulation and dosage is also being explained. The special branch of Ayurveda which deals with the general principles related to the Ayurveda pharmacognosy and pharmacology is called as Dravayaguna. Namajnana, Rupajnana, Gunajnana, and Yuktijnana are only a few of the components that make up Dravyaguna Vigyan. The Dravyaguna Vigyan in Ayurveda is a platform where we may understand the qualities of Dravya (medicines) comprehensively. If we take the word "Dravya Guna" at its literal definition, dravaya means material or objects, and "Guna" implies property, relates Dravyaguna Vigyan Rasa, Guna, Virya, Vipak, and Prabhav are considered while examining the pharmacological effects of medications. Rasa, Guna, Virya, Vipak, and Prabhav are said to be intrinsic qualities of medications in Ayurveda, and they merely serve to enhance the drug's therapeutic effects. Therefore, I am offering this study about the fundamental idea of Dravyaguna and how its qualities contribute to pharmacological activities.
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