Viparitani Vatasya Prashamanaani Bhavanti: A Case Study on Sandhigata Vata

Muntingia calabura leaf extract, growth, immune response, phytochemicals, medicinal plants, food safetyAbstract
SandhigataVata is Vata vyadhi, characterized by swelling with joints, appears as a leather bag inflated with air on palpation and pain during extension and flexion of the joints. In this article we are going to discuss successful management of case by Ayurvedic management with remarkable improvement. Introduction- in Introduction we have reviewed about concept of SandhigataVata along with case presentation of 73 years old female patient. Materials and methods- Drugs used in treatment and Assessment criteria of SandhigataVata. Results- explained about improvement with Ayurvedic medicine. Discussion- explained about mode of action of drugs and drawn conclusion. With the help of this article, we can conclude that with the help of ayurvedic medicine we can treat and manage SandhigataVata with marked improvement.
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